मंगलवार, 19 अक्टूबर 2010

It shows times's thought process!!!!

This cartoon is not funny.
Published today by The Times of London in a column explaining why the British paper has decided to make again T2 as a separate section.
President of Innovation International Media Consulting Group (London) Juan Antonio Giner says...

Hard news and main section for the lord of the house.
Soft news in the trashy T2 section for the lady of the house.
A macho and ghetto approach that explains why many editors and publisher don’t get it.
Go to the streets.
Go the offices.
Go to the stadiums.
Go to the universities.
…or just look inside your own newsrooms.
Women and men sharing the same spaces, jobs, sports, education and interests.
But our macho newspapers don’t get it.
So good luck if you alienate 50% of your potential readers!
This cartoon is a perfect example of a reality that doesn’t exist anymore.
Breakfast together?
Reading the newspaper?
The only real thing is that the readers of these macho newspapers are as old as the people shown in the cartoon.
And, you know?, they will die with them.

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